Hello everyone! Welcome to my portfolio! Each story listed below has it's own blurb but I though it would be nice to point you in the right direction for your story type preferences.
If you are in the mood for something with a bit of humor try Bad First Date.
If you are feeling a murder mystery then Greed is the Master is the story for you.
If you want a mushy love story look at Strawberry Savior.
If you want something with witchcraft and fake dates go to The Ambitious Granddaughter.
Finally, if you are looking for a twisted step-mother vs step-daughter tale check out My Wicked Stepdaughter.
Hope you enjoy the stories!
The Ambitious Granddaughter
This is a tale based off of Adam's first wife Lilith. It is set more modern day and tells of her quests to be a powerful woman and not fall under a husband demanding to be more powerful.
Bad First Date
This story is based off a Nigerian tale of a disobedient daughter who marries the wrong man. It is set on the current day talk radio show Cash and Bradley's Second Date on K 95.5 Tulsa. They argue about how the date went and whether a second chance is in order.
My Wicked Stepdaughter
In the original story a young girl's father got remarried to an evil woman. This stepmother tried multiple times to kill the young girl- each attempt not going as planned. For my retelling, I told the story from the view of the stepmother.
Strawberry Savior
This tale involves a couple who gets in a fight and their love is saved with an amazing fruit called strawberries.
Greed is the Master
A story of greedy men whose end comes in the most unfortunate way.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Famous Last Words Week Twelve
For starters, I loved the reading this week. I had always
heard of the Canterbury Tales but never actually read any of it. They were some
great stories and I am glad I had the opportunity to read them in this class. I
also am excited about the story I wrote for it. I did something new to me.
Typically I write love or children related stories. This week I did a murder
mystery from the perspective of a detective. I even added a little twist at the
end! It was really fun for me. I felt like I was getting to be more creative
with my writing then I have been in other weeks.
I have also read a lot of great stories this week. One I
really enjoyed was also from the Canterbury tales. It was someone’s storybook.
She did a murder mystery as well and had each character play a suspect in the
murder. They each had their own background story and interview session. It was
really neat and interesting to see how we can take the same concepts and do
them so differently! I guess that is what makes writing unique.
This last couple weeks have been super hectic. Last week my
car broke down so I was stuck in my hometown all week! Luckily I only have two
on campus courses and one was already cancelled because he was at a conference.
So I only missed one class and a couple shifts at work. My internship for
credit ends this week so that will be a relief. Also I am trying to finish this
class and my other online class by the end of next week. I have three final
papers to write so I want to leave as much time devoted solely to them as
possible. I also am going to a music festival next weekend. So I am bribing myself
by saying if I finish my online courses I can go buy a new outfit! Hopefully I
stick to that!
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A picture of me and my boyfriend from Christmas just for fun! |
Growth Mindset: Last Meme
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From Laura's Blog |
Last meme I swear! I just love them!
This one stuck out to me just not in the aspect of growth with school and career but also with spouses and family. I am at a position in my life where I will (hopefully) soon be engaged, married and then have my own children. I have been in a long distance relationship for the entirety of my college career. I have learned that maintaining a relationship is really hard work. You have to work hardest for the things you love most. I work hard for me, my school, my career. But I also work hard for my boyfriend, my future children, and my family.
Growth Mindset: Meme
Made with Cheezeburger. Photo from personal collection. |
It may be concerning to come the obsession I have with my dogs. Oh well!
This is my other dog Bandit, the baby of the family. I felt I could not post a picture of Axle but not one of Bandit. That wouldn't be fair! I chose this photo because I think Bandit looks very peaceful and wise. I am not sure where I heard this quote from. It just has been stuck in my head for years. I felt the quote matched Bandit's vibe in this photo. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. I always remind myself of this. I have to remind myself that my future is dependent upon me believing in myself and following those dreams.
Growth Mindset: Make Own Meme
Made with Cheezeburger Picture from personal collection |
I love that I now know how to create memes. So today I created one with Growth Mindset in mind.
This is a picture of my dog Axle as a puppy. His feet were green from running around in the freshly mowed grass. Which is currently nonexistent considering he ran the backyard into just a dirt pile. This is also my all time favorite saying "Follow your bliss".With the look of freedom and happiness in Axle's eye and this saying about following your passion. I think this meme encourages you to do what makes you happy and happiness is full of possibilities.
Growth Mindset: Memes
I chose to use the challenge with the memes. Even though memes are sort of an internet trend and typically meant to be funny. I feel like that can have a large impact on people. Sometimes having a picture in addition to meaningful words can help that thought stay with a person. When you have something to associate it too- you tend to remember it better.
When going through the list of memes posted I came across the quote "Big change begins with small steps". This one stuck out to me because I feel it relates to my life right now. I am almost a college graduate, I have a long term boyfriend and I am looking for a big girl job. These are all big changes but I went through so many small steps to get here. First dates, final papers, internships- these steps all led me to the changes I am making within the next month or so.
When going through the list of memes posted I came across the quote "Big change begins with small steps". This one stuck out to me because I feel it relates to my life right now. I am almost a college graduate, I have a long term boyfriend and I am looking for a big girl job. These are all big changes but I went through so many small steps to get here. First dates, final papers, internships- these steps all led me to the changes I am making within the next month or so.
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Meme from Laura's Blog |
Tech Tip: Cheezburger
Made with Cheezburger Made my first ever meme! I picked this puppy because he was just so cute and I love puppies! |
Tech Tip: Embedded Youtube
Tech Tip: Blogger Profile
Today I did some rearranging on my Blog Profile and Template. I moved my labels to the top of my page for easier access. I also added a picture and my college to my profile information. Establishing a good online presence is crucial as we enter the business world. Having my name and University on this blog could be beneficial for me. It can show potential employer some of my classwork and writing skills.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Week Twelve Review
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From the announcements |
This week's item that stuck out to me was the word colossal. In the announcements Laura talks about the Greek meaning behind the word colossal and I found it very interesting. She said "The Greek word meant a gigantic statue, originally the Colossus of Rhodes." I feel like sometimes words we take from other languages do not really make sense but I felt like this one did!
Tech Tip: Pinterest Widget
Storytelling Week Twelve: Greed is the Master
Greed is the Master
I was sitting at home reading the paper, smoking on my pipe, when I got the call."Holmes, I have some bad news. The town drunks went out the other night and have not returned. Their excursions never last more than a day and the townspeople are getting worried. Would you mind taking a look into it?" said the soft voice on the phone.
"Of course," I said shortly as I hung up the phone. I was getting sick of chasing after these boys. Their drunken "adventures" were getting out of hand. As much as I didn't care to find them- it was my job. Even in a town this small there is still some detective work to be done. So I set out to their usual bar to ask around.
I went straight to the bartender. He watches over his customers like a hawk- surely he knew what happened.
"How's business?" I asked as I took a seat at the counter.
He replied wearily, "Oh, just the usual. Scraping by in this small town. If the Wilson boys don't show back up I may just be out of business."
"Funny you mention that- it is actually why I am here. I heard they have been gone from town a few days and nobody seems to know where they went."
"Yeah, they haven't been in here since...oh, Tuesday night I believe."
"Did they do anything out of the ordinary that night?" I asked as I pulled out my notepad.
He paused and looked to be trying to remember. He is getting older and struggles more to recall nightly events.
"Not really. They were mouthing off about taking on some punk a town over. They are always getting into fights and looking for trouble. I believe the person they referred to was named D if I remember correctly."
As I was jotting all this down I heard a voice from behind me.
"One of the boys came to see me that night," a cracked voice sputtered.
I turn to see the town's medicine woman. She was an old, frail lady. She walked the line of medicine and witchcraft very closely. So I was instantly intrigued. "What on Earth could he be purchasing?" I thought to myself.
I quickly asked, "Can you tell me what he was buying? Which boy? Was he alone?"
She replied, "It was the young one with the blonde curly hair. He seemed to be alone- he bought a vile of rat poison. He claimed he had a rat infestation at his home."
I thought to myself, "It is the middle of summer- usually rats don't try to come inside unless it is cold weather. It is strange that he would be having a problem with them right now."
I nodded to her and thanked her and the bartender for their help. I set out through the door. My next stop was the youngest Wilson boy's home with the supposed rats.
I knocked- no one answered. The door was unlocked so I let myself in. In a quick sweep of the room I could tell there were no rats here. So I decided to look further. I entered the bedroom and saw the closet had been rummaged through. I looked in to see if something was obviously missing. I noticed there were no bags. He could just not own any- or that could be a clue. It seemed too soon to tell.
As I was headed to the next room I noticed a receipt on the dresser. It was dated late Tuesday night. He purchased three loafs of bread and three bottles of wine. The medicine woman did not mention any supplies on him.
I sat on the edge of the bed thinking about what my next step should be. I figured my only option was to find the man called D in the next town over. I set off in that direction.
I was about halfway there when I noticed a circling of vultures over the woods. I did not think much of it at first considering animals are always dying there. I walked a bit further but I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt like something was just not right.
I thought to myself, "I need to see what these birds are after. It is probably nothing but I have time to check. I am sure the Wilson boys are just drunk in the next town. They can wait."
I ventured into the woods- following the sound of the vultures. Not too far in I came to the most gruesome sighting.
It was the Wilson boys. I could tell by the blue tattered ball-caps they were always wearing. They were half decayed and picked apart by the vultures. My stomach turned over and I immediately puked. The smell was almost unbearable. I did not want to get any closer but I needed answers. A million questions ran through my head. "Was it murder? Was it a group suicide? Was it of natural causes?"
There was only one way to find out.
I approached the bodies with caution- hoping no wolves would come out and fight me for their dinner. It was nearing dark and I could hear their eerie howls in the distance.
There was one boy off by himself. I went to him first. It was the youngest Wilson boy. His blonde curls stuck slightly out of his ball-cap. He was the one who bought the rat poison. He was covered in stab wounds.
Then I went over to the other two boys. They seemed unharmed besides of course the damage done by the vultures. I then noticed a reflection of light coming from the bushes behind them. I moved back there and found three bottles of wine. They were completely drained. With the boy's drinking problem I assumed they finished them all themselves. I also noticed bags full of gold coins. It all started coming together.
How they ended up in the woods we may never know. But my guess is they found the gold then they sent the youngest boy back to retrieve bags to carry it with while they stood guard. The youngest must have gotten greedy and wanted it all to himself so he made a plan to poison them through the rat poison and wine. They must have had a similar greedy plan and stabbed him to death upon his arrival with the bags they needed. Then they drank the wine unknowingly and died shortly after.
"Is that the whole story, sir?" asked the man debriefing me.
"Yes," I replied sternly.
"What did you do with the gold?"
"I turned it over as evidence of course."
"Alright, sir, that is all we will be needing from you. Thank you so much for your services."
As I shook his hand and left the room I smiled slyly to myself.
Little does he know I only turned in about a fourth of the gold I really found.
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The Gold |
Author's Note: This story is based off of a story called the Revelers from the Canterbury Tales. The original story included three drunk men who went off the kill Death. They meet an old man who tells him he just saw Death in the woods and points them that direction. They come across the pile of gold and that is when the greed sets in. The plans of the three men follow the story I just told. One poisoned the two and the two stabbed the one, even though at the beginning of the story they all swore to always be loyal to each other.
I decided to do a murder mystery this week because I have not done a story like this yet. I felt like a story about greed would be a perfect opportunity to do it. Greed got all three friends killed. Then in the end greed prevailed again with the detective stealing some of the money. Greed can be a dirty devil and stories like this can help to show the consequences of your greed. I tried to keep most of the plot the same but just tell it basically backwards to show the process of the detective.
Bibliography: The Revelers. The Chaucer Story Book by Eva March Tappan (1908).
Monday, April 11, 2016
Week Twelve Reading Diary cont.: Canterbury Tales
Little Hugh
-This story was really sad but magical. Any time a child is killed it is sad. Especially for such a silly reason as singing a song they didn't like.
Cock, Hen and Fox
-The Cock had a dream a fox ate him and the hens told him it was silly. The next day a fox tried to eat him but he narrowly escaped.
The Priest
-Basically a trickster convince a priest he could make copper into silver with a magic recipe and got the priest to pay him for the recipe that was fake.
Story source:The Chaucer Story Book by Eva March Tappan (1908)
-This story was really sad but magical. Any time a child is killed it is sad. Especially for such a silly reason as singing a song they didn't like.
Cock, Hen and Fox
-The Cock had a dream a fox ate him and the hens told him it was silly. The next day a fox tried to eat him but he narrowly escaped.
The Priest
-Basically a trickster convince a priest he could make copper into silver with a magic recipe and got the priest to pay him for the recipe that was fake.
Story source:The Chaucer Story Book by Eva March Tappan (1908)
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The Canterbury Tales |
Week Twelve Reading Diary: Canterbury Tales
The Unknown Bride
-A man is sentenced to be hung unless he properly reports on what women want most. An old wise woman gave him the answer that women want to rule their husbands and then forces him into marriage. After some advice about having an old ugly honest wife over a hot rich and unfaithful one she turns into a beautiful young woman.
The Story of the Summoner
-A summoner is basically a trickster who tries to get people to pay him money in false court cases. He meets the devil who he believes to be his new thieving friend. The first man they try to loot calls out to God so the new friend says he isnt worth looting. Then the old lady tells him basically to go to hell so the devil takes him!
The Promise of Dorigen
-Wow this was a great story. At first I hated the squire because I felt it was so rude to go after another man's wife and try to deceive her like he did. But I am glad he repented in the end. I am also glad that her husband was such a great and understanding man and she such a truthful wife. And the magician I was sure to be a pig but he was also very good. It is not often you have a story with so many good men.
The Revelers
-This was an interesting story. The ending was quick. I thought it would go through the fight more. but it is funny how they set out to search for death and their greed led them to it.
Story source:The Chaucer Story Book by Eva March Tappan (1908)
-A man is sentenced to be hung unless he properly reports on what women want most. An old wise woman gave him the answer that women want to rule their husbands and then forces him into marriage. After some advice about having an old ugly honest wife over a hot rich and unfaithful one she turns into a beautiful young woman.
The Story of the Summoner
-A summoner is basically a trickster who tries to get people to pay him money in false court cases. He meets the devil who he believes to be his new thieving friend. The first man they try to loot calls out to God so the new friend says he isnt worth looting. Then the old lady tells him basically to go to hell so the devil takes him!
The Promise of Dorigen
-Wow this was a great story. At first I hated the squire because I felt it was so rude to go after another man's wife and try to deceive her like he did. But I am glad he repented in the end. I am also glad that her husband was such a great and understanding man and she such a truthful wife. And the magician I was sure to be a pig but he was also very good. It is not often you have a story with so many good men.
The Revelers
-This was an interesting story. The ending was quick. I thought it would go through the fight more. but it is funny how they set out to search for death and their greed led them to it.
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The Canterbury Tales |
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Week Eleven Review
While skimming through this week's announcements I saw this image that I found to be so accurate. Except instead of being why I write- it is why I read.
Also here it today's announcements!
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Why I Write |
Also here it today's announcements!
Tech Tip: Pinterest Button
For this week's tech tip I added a Pinterest button to my browser bar. I am always looking to save pictures I come across on the Internet. I use Chrome and adding this button was SUPER easy! Just a couple of clicks.
Here is a pic that I save with my new button!
Here is a pic that I save with my new button!
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Puppies! |
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Storytelling Week Ten: Strawberry Savior
Strawberry Savior
"Hey, Miss Lynn!” said Ryder hopefully.
"Yes?” replied Lynn mildly annoyed.
"Can you please tell us a bedtime story tonight?” Ryder
asked while the other children giggled and agreed in the background.
Lynn hesitated, knowing she had way too much paperwork to get
done. She could not possibly spend the time to tell the children a story. The
babies would surely be up by six which gave her hardly five hours of sleep
anyways. Add in story time and she might barely squeeze in four! She looked
around at their begging faces and, as usual, she gave in saying, "Okay, but
just one!"
The children all cheered. She blushed and took a second to
rejoice in the moment. She loved when she got that butterfly feeling. The same
one she had when she first started this orphanage. Helping children is not
always easy but it is moments like these that keep her going each day.
"What story would you like to hear?” Lynn asked the
Molly's hand quickly shot up in the back. She was one of the
eldest children here. She had heard all of Lynn's stories.
Molly replied, “Can you tell the one about when you knew you
were going to marry Mr. James?"
Lynn smiled- this was one of her favorites. She and her
husband James had been married for 25 years now. He always supported her and
her dreams. Without him this orphanage would not have been possible. She always
knew he was going to be hers for life.
"Of course, I love this one,” Lynn replied. The kids
all cheered and then quickly settled into bed for their story.
Lynn began, “I met James in the Farmer's Market back in
1989. I was looking for strawberries and he was looking for potatoes- or so he
said. I will never understand why he thought potatoes would be next to
strawberries. Oh well, that will be a question for you guys to ask him!"
She rolled her eyes and giggled a bit as the children all
looked at her with eager anticipation.
She continued, "We hit things off immediately. First we
grabbed coffee, then dinner, then started seeing movies. We fell so madly in love
and everything was moving so fast! I was in school at the time and he was
working a couple towns over from me. We did not get to see each other as much
as we liked but we were so in love that it did not matter. We were determined
to make things work. All was going well until one day a few weeks out from my
Lynn paused and looked around at the small faces all
wide-eyed and full of anticipation.
She started in a softer tone saying, “We had plans one
weekend- a big date out on the lake. We had rented a cabin and it was going to
be beautiful and romantic. I get to his house and find a note on the door
saying, 'Sorry, went to the lake with the boys see you next week sometime!’
Obviously I was furious. We had all these plans and he just finds something
better to do! I felt so unimportant. I decided I would wait for his return
until I heard rumors about there being other girls on the trip but I was just
not invited. I then felt so betrayed. I convinced myself that he wasn't worth
my time and returned back to school. The next few days went by. He called and
called but I never answered. One day I got a letter. I opened it not realizing
it was from James. It claimed he had totally forgot about our trip and how
sorry he was and he wished I would just answer his calls so he could explain.
Being the stubborn woman I am I still did not call him. The next day I received
a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I still did not call. The day after that I
received a gorgeous necklace. I put a return stamp on it and sent it back. Then
I received a human-sized teddy bear! I gave it to my dogs to play with. All of
his efforts were wonderful but I was still not ready to forgive him. Then the
very next day I received a massive bouquet of chocolate-covered strawberries
with a note saying, 'Without strawberries I would have never met the woman of
my dreams'."
All the girls giggled and the boys just rolled their eyes at
such a corny line.
Lynn smiled and continued, "With that last gift I was
done. All the old feelings came flooding back and I knew he deserved
forgiveness. I ran to my door to get in my car and to my surprise he was
standing there! I wrapped my arms around him and told him how much I missed him
and he was forgiven. He apologized over and over and we just hugged. I knew
right then that this man would do anything for me. I knew in my heart that he
was the one."
Lynn stopped and looked around smiling at the children. They
all started to clap and exclaim about how beautiful the story was and they
wished for a love like Lynn and James have.
Lynn looked lovingly at the kids and said, "You all
will find loves. You just have to wait for the right one and then never let
them go over silly fights! If you do fight, don't be afraid to make up and be happy again... so you can enjoy the strawberries!"
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My Favorite |
Author's Note: The inspiration for this story came from a
Cherokee tale about how strawberries were invented. In the tale a husband and
wife fight and the wife leaves. The husband tried to chase her but can't catch
up. He receives help from a god who places fruit in her way to try and get her
to stop. Nothing catches her eye until the god places a never before seen
fruit, the strawberry, in her path. Then she stops and she and the husband meet
back up and solve their problems.
I know I went a bit off track for this story but I kept the
overall concept of a couple fighting and being resolved with the help of
strawberries. I made these strawberries chocolate-covered because that is just
always better. I then added more background to the story with how the two met
and their lives now at the orphanage. My first thought was to do a bedtime
story but instead of going with once upon a time I decided this direction would
be more fun. I also pulled this story from a real life situation. A similar
event happened with me and my current boyfriend. I thought it would be
interesting to put my real life into my fiction short story.
Bibliography: Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney (1900). Tobacco and Strawberries.
Bibliography: Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney (1900). Tobacco and Strawberries.
Storytelling Week Eleven: Unlikely Friends
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Robin Hood and Little John |
Unlikely Friends
I will never understand how men work. One minute they can be brawling in the backyard. Next thing you know they are best friends! I know it sounds like I am about to head off on a tangent- so let me start this story from the beginning.Earlier this week me and my boyfriend Robin had a little cookout in the backyard with our friends. Well one of my friends has a new boyfriend named John that she brought with her. We were all just chatting it up and having a good time. The burgers were delicious and the sangria was going down smooth.
Suddenly, I heard a large thud. I turn around to find that John had ran into one of the chairs by the pool knocking it over and breaking the arm. Well, most people would not think much of this little accident. Robin, on the other hand, flips out! He goes over there yelling and screaming. He tells John, "You better be paying for that chair! I will make you pay for that chair!"
Robin is being completely irrational but once he gets into this state it is nearly impossible to calm him back down.
John, the near seven foot, thick build, ex-football player- is keeping his cool. He calmly replies, "Okay, fight me for it."
Robin, of course, does not ever back down from a fight. He bows up his chest and takes the first swing. Everyone is gathered around in disbelief that they are truly fighting over a chair.
They go back and forth for a while. Just when you thought one man was winning the other would jump back on top. Finally Robin takes a solid blow to the head and staggers back. The onlookers, myself included, see this as the prime moment to step in. At group of us grab both men pulling them apart. I take Robin inside as my friend drags John to the car.
I start to gripe at Robin but could see the hurt in his eyes. His pride was hurt that he did not knock out John easily. So I decide to let it go for the night.
A few days later we are out at the bar. Just a typically Friday night. Until I notice my friend and John walk in. Immediately I think to myself, "Oh no! Not again, I do not want to be banned from this bar over a silly fight!"
I try to steer Robin out the door before he sees John. I was not successful. Robin spotted him across the bar and changed paths quickly. I tense up- ready for the fight that was about to happen. Just as I thought I would hear a fist cracking a nose. I hear Robin shout out, "Hey! Remember me? You sure are a great fighter!"
John replied, "Yeah, man we sure put up a great brawl!"
I stand there bewildered at the scene unfolding in front of me. They are being civil and even getting a beer! How on Earth can this be happening? I look to my left- making eye contact with my friend. She looks just as stunned. I go up to her and say, "I am glad they are getting along but I will never understand how men can go from punching each other to being great friends."
She nodded in agreement. The rest of the night went on smoothly. Although in the back of my mind I am, and always will be, wondering how men's brain works.
Author's Note: This week I read about Robin Hood. Pretty much all of his stories involved some sort of brawl usually ending with the group going out for drinks. The particular one I based this story off of was how he met Little John. Little John is one of his major men throughout his outlaw tales. They met in the forest and got into a long fight until Robin decided he liked his style and made him one of the team. They end up going out for a feast and drinks. For my story I just wrote a little piece in modern times. I used the same names but made it a modern backyard and bar setting. Honestly, this is a true question I have for men. I have seen guys fight multiple times and then be back to being best friends by the end of the week. If two girls get in a fist fight they will most likely hate each other for the rest of their lives. That is just speculation- I have never been in a fist fight so I would not know that for sure. Maybe there is something about cracking your knuckles on someone's head that makes you like them. Heck, who knows!
Bibliography: Robin Hood and Little John. The English and Scottish Popular Ballads by Francis James Child (1882-1898).
Reading Diary Week Eleven: Robin Hood
Robin Hood. The English and Scottish Popular Ballads by Francis James Child (1882-1898).
Progress to Nottingham
-Robin Hood killed a group of men because they said he couldnt do archery and when he proved it they did not pay the wager
Little John
-He was a large man that beat Robin Hood in a fight. After Robin was beat he decided this man needed to join his group so he taught him archery and gave him a spot in the group.
The Butcher
-This one was pretty confusing to read. Basically I gathered that he tricked some butchers into thinking he was rich and got a rich sheriff to come with him then stole all his stuff.
The Ranger
-This is another story of Robin Hood adding to his troop. This man was protecting the kings deer in the woods that Robin was trying to kill. They fought a long battle then Robin decided he wanted him on his team the same at Little John.
The Bold Pedler
-Little John and Robin Hood came across a pedlar and fought him for his things. When they asked him who he was he turned out to be his cousin so they all went for beers.
The Shepard
-Robin Hood fought a shepard and lost then little John fought him and also lost. Robin Hood is not as good of a fighter as I imagined.
-Another story of fighting men and losing and then drinking and becoming friends
The Pedlars
-They met pedlars again and tried to fight them Robin got knocked out and the pedlars said to take this as a lesson and gave him some medicine to make him better then he threw it up and they left.
Allen A Dale
-He met a man who was trying to marry this one lady but she was about to marry someone else so Robin swept in and got her to marry his friend
Rescuing Three Squires
-Robin comes across their mother who tells him of there sentencing to death. He sees it unjust and disguises himself as a beggar and saves the three men.
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Statue of Robin Hood |
-Robin Hood killed a group of men because they said he couldnt do archery and when he proved it they did not pay the wager
Little John
-He was a large man that beat Robin Hood in a fight. After Robin was beat he decided this man needed to join his group so he taught him archery and gave him a spot in the group.
The Butcher
-This one was pretty confusing to read. Basically I gathered that he tricked some butchers into thinking he was rich and got a rich sheriff to come with him then stole all his stuff.
The Ranger
-This is another story of Robin Hood adding to his troop. This man was protecting the kings deer in the woods that Robin was trying to kill. They fought a long battle then Robin decided he wanted him on his team the same at Little John.
The Bold Pedler
-Little John and Robin Hood came across a pedlar and fought him for his things. When they asked him who he was he turned out to be his cousin so they all went for beers.
The Shepard
-Robin Hood fought a shepard and lost then little John fought him and also lost. Robin Hood is not as good of a fighter as I imagined.
-Another story of fighting men and losing and then drinking and becoming friends
The Pedlars
-They met pedlars again and tried to fight them Robin got knocked out and the pedlars said to take this as a lesson and gave him some medicine to make him better then he threw it up and they left.
Allen A Dale
-He met a man who was trying to marry this one lady but she was about to marry someone else so Robin swept in and got her to marry his friend
Rescuing Three Squires
-Robin comes across their mother who tells him of there sentencing to death. He sees it unjust and disguises himself as a beggar and saves the three men.
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