Bad First Date
{Radio Hosts} “Hey man, this is Cash and Bradley’s Second
Date on K 95.5 Tulsa. What can we do for you?”
{Skull} “Hey y'all, my name is Skull and I went on what I
thought was a really great date with this beautiful girl named Afiong. I
thought we had a great time and now she isn’t returning my calls. I would
really like to know why she doesn’t want to go on a second date. “
{Radio Hosts} “Yeah man, let’s give her a call and see what
she has to say.”
[Phone rings.]
{Female voice} “Hello?”
{Female voice} “Hello?”
{Radio Hosts} “Hello! Is this Afiong?"
{Female voice} "Yeah?"
{Radio Hosts} "Hey Afiong, it is Cash and Bradley and we have a mutual friend, Skull - remember him?”
{Female voice} "Yeah?"
{Radio Hosts} "Hey Afiong, it is Cash and Bradley and we have a mutual friend, Skull - remember him?”
{Afiong nervously} “Yeah, hey, I remember him - we went out
{Radio Hosts} “Yeah, we heard! We also heard you weren’t
returning his calls. We were just curious about what went wrong on that first
date to make you not call him back.”
{Afiong} “Well, it was all going great at first. He was a
very handsome man. I saw him at the market and just knew I wanted to talk to
him. Almost a love at first sight kind of deal.
Well, I decided to invite him home with me. He met my
parents and made a great impression. We talked into the wee hours of the night and
loved every second of it. In the morning he asked me to come with him to meet
his mother back in his town. Of course, I was so infatuated with him I could
think of nothing else to say but OMG YES! I was thinking maybe it was finally
my turn to find true love and get married. So that evening we went over to his
mom’s place - everything was going fine at first. But then, he just up and left
me. He left me alone with his old, decrepit mother for the rest of the night!
He didn’t even say where he was going or when he would be back. At first it
wasn’t a big deal but then she kept asking me to do all these chores for her.
And what was I supposed to say? I couldn’t tell this poor old lady no. So I
cleaned her house, mowed her lawn, did her laundry and even gave her a pedicure.
All before he ever came home. And then, he came home drunk! He left me with his
mother to go get drunk with friends. Of course I was done at this point. I vowed
never to answer his calls. He is not handsome enough to deal with all that
[The radio hosts were silent, struck with disbelief at this
wild story.]
{Radio Hosts} “Wow. That is probably the best reason to not
call back we have ever heard on this show. Sorry to spring this on you, but
Skull is actually on the line listening. Skull, do you have anything to say for
{Skull} “You and my mother were getting along so well. I got
a text from my buddies to go out since I was in town and I figured you could
manage alone for a bit.”
{Afiong}” Six hours! You were gone for six hours!”
{Skull} “Hey! We weren’t in a serious relationship. I didn’t
feel like I needed to check in with you or tell you what I was doing. I can do
whatever I want and be gone for as long as I want! I am my own person.”
{Afiong} “Yeah, you’re right. We weren’t in a serious
relationship, which is even more of a reason to not leave me alone with your
mother! Gosh, my parents were so right about you! You are a selfish jerk!”
{Skull} “Whatever, you weren’t that hot anyways!”
[Phone clicks.]
{Radio Hosts} “Wow… well, that got a bit more heated than we
anticipated. Usually we offer a free meal to a couple who agree to try out a
second date. But after that fiasco, it sounds like you need a dinner for one.
So we will send you some free dinner coupons to try and help you forget that
awful date.”
{Afiong} “OMG thank you guys so much! As awful as it was, it
was a great learning experience. I now know that my parents' instincts have
been around a lot longer than mine and are actually pretty reliable.”
Author’s Note: This retelling is based off a Nigerian tale
about a girl who marries a skull from the spirit world. She is blinded by his
false beauty and marries him against her parents' wishes. He then takes her
home with him, which turns out to be the spirit world. He turns back into
his ugly self and she is left to care for his old mother. In the original story the
mother is actually pretty nice. She keeps the girl from being hurt by all the cannibals
in the spirit world and then eventually helps her make an escape to her home
town. When I read this story it got me thinking about this radio show I have
heard where the radio hosts call people who went on a blind date to see what
went wrong and try to hook them back up again. It is out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. I decided this Nigerian tale could make a good bad first date story, so I
retold it as the radio show. I changed the ending a bit and didn’t use Skull’s
mother as her escape from him. I just made it into a public fight instead. I
kept all the names the same and the overarching lesson of trusting your parents
the same as well because I feel like that is a great lesson to be learned.
Bibliography: Folk Stories From Southern Nigeria by Elphinstone Dayrell (1910). The Disobedient Daughter Who Married a Skull
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The Actual Hosts of Second Date |
I love this story! I also did my story over Afiong, but I love the way that you made it into a radio show and made it where she just never called the skull back so the hosts wanted to find the reason why. You made her seem much more modern, even though the actual story contains a lot of old spiritual elements! I also like that you changed it to where they weren't in a serious relationship, so the skull's actions seemed even more absurd. You did a great job!
ReplyDeleteThis story was hilarious! I love how you really PUT this story into Oklahoma, so that it seemed like a totally believable story that would take place on a radio talk show. Afiong's indignation and the fact that the Skull was totally oblivious to how his actions were wrong--but that the radio talk show hosts were still on her side--seemed so plausible that I REALLY wondered what story you were basing this one off of. And the moral of listening to your parents is always golden, in my opinion...
ReplyDeleteOh wow... This is a really, really funny story! You made this story very, very believable because you made the setting in Oklahoma. We all know this is a radio show that could actually take place in Oklahoma. It was funny how oblivious Skull was about his actions because they were obviously wrong, even though the radio show host still sided with her. I really did not know what kind of story or what story you used for the roots of your story, but you did a great job of integrating it with each other.
ReplyDeleteI am becoming a fan of your stories! They are all very creative and interesting to read. I love that you always tell your stories in such different ways. I think you did a great job incorporating this story into a radio phone call. I was shocked that this guy left her alone for so long with the old lady!
ReplyDeletei loved your story! I'm from Houston and 92.9 also has the same radio program called Second Date Update. I used to listen to it every morning when I drove to school. I LOVE this radio show because it is hilarious! I think you did an amazing job at getting the radio show perfectly right. I could imagine listening to it in the car. I always love when they say later on that the guy is actually on the other line! I really liked your version of the story and everything is written very well. I don't anything to suggest because I thought it was pretty great! Great job and I'll have to remember to keep reading your Portfolio stories!
ReplyDeleteAllyson, I loved your story! Please read my comments that came to mind while I was reading your story. You should be able to piece together which part of the story I was on when I made the comment. GREAT STORY!
ReplyDelete(Comments as I read along)
I’m already loving this story already! I love how you have chosen to use a writing style that is different from the typical story line that I believe a lot of people like to follow, including myself. The radio talk show option is GREAT!
Met the parents right off the bat… WOW, that’s a bold move on Afiong’s part.
Skull then turned around and invited her to his house?! Okay, it sounds like we’re off to a good start here….
Wait a sec, he left her alone with his crazy mama and she started to make her do chores?! Sheesh.
…He left her to go get drunk, while she was stuck at home with HIS mama doing her feet? Oh no ma’am.
He hung up in her face… That is so out of line. He’s the one that was in the wrong!
I loved how you connected the original story to the one that you created. I really enjoyed reading it!
What a weird original story... a girl marrying a skull and going with his to the spirit world full of cannibals?? SO intense. I think it was great how you turned this into a bad first date and that you used a radio show as the platform for telling it. In this way we got to see a ton of dialogue between characters and that was enough to tell the story with vivid details and letting us understand the emotions of the situation. I'm glad that poor girl in your story got at least a few free coupons out of the awful experience. I immediately got bad vibes from Skull in his choice of words, which is a good portrayal by you because he does totally seem like a jerk. I don't know that I would change anything about your story, maybe just try to expand on some elements that you cut short? Just to give more details and a more bountiful story. Great job!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I am from Tulsa so I was really pumped that’s where your story took place! Second, I loved the way you used quotes to tell the story. I could really see the characters different personalities (which was extremely important for this particular story!) As I was reading this, I was thinking… What if the boy had some big secret of why he really left? Or what if the mother turned into an evil witch? I think you could add a plot twist at the very end of the story to keep the readers on their edge of their seat and wanting to read more! I have never heard of this original story before but it sounds interesting! I feel like you could have the girl describe the boy’s appearance more at the beginning of the story so the readers can have a clear picture of them in their head. Overall, I loved this story and felt that it was very well written!
ReplyDeleteYour title is what caught my attention and I was really interested in seeing the format of your story as explained in your blurb. I think it's really great that you chose to tell the story like a radio talk show would. It makes it fun to read along and puts things into perspective. My first reaction when reading is that WOW they really jumped into things fast on their first date! Skull says it wasn't a serious relationship but I'd say meeting the parents is pretty serious so this was a bit contradictory to me. I really liked your author's note and the explanation of the original story. I agree that it's most often time than not quite dangerous to make rash decisions about a significant other and your story showed that. At the very beginning I had some sympathy for the guy but I quickly found out that he was in the wrong.
ReplyDeleteThis story was hysterical! It was very clever to use a real talk show from Tulsa as the setting for retelling the Nigerian folk tale. I am from Dallas and I have hear a similar talk show segment about blind dates. Keeping the original names and same overarching life lesson was smart. The lesson of always trusting your parents judgement especially in relationships is usually a tough one to swallow, but it makes sense since they usually know us the best and have been around a lot longer than we have. The fact that Skull justified leaving poor Afiong alone with his mother for six hours was ridiculous. If I had been in her position I would have excused myself and gone home after hours two. I really like how you made the radio talk show host so surprised by Skull's rude first date behavior made the story that much more comical. Overall fantastic job.
ReplyDeleteOn a whim, I chose to read Bad First Date. The radio hosts idea was fun to read, I haven't seen a story done like this yet. I have also just another story related to "Of the Pretty Stranger who Killed the King", so I'm getting quite knowledgeable about my Nigerian Folk tales. So far, they all seem to warn the readers or listeners (I'm assuming they started as an oral tradition) of the danger of first impressions, which have so far tuned out to be bad in both stories. This one has the extra message of trusting your parents however. For whatever reason, this message is lost in the Indian Epics tales, as most of them involve family squabbles and fights.
Thanks so much for sharing your work so far, I really enjoyed reading it. Good luck with the rest of this class and the remaining semester.
This was a really fun story! It was just a fun and entertaining read. I would totally watch this radio show, I would be so entertaining. I’m sure there are lots of funny first date stories out there. You did a great job at taking the original story and coming up with something completely new that fits into our modern time. Great job!!
ReplyDeleteThe title of this story alone drew me in to read it! I want to first comment on the original story; how interesting and crazy. A spirit world full of cannibals? Whaat? Your adaption was very good and fun at the same time. I really enjoyed reading it and you did such a good job making your own adaption to such a weird and interesting original story! I also thought it was a tad weird that they visited their parents on the first day like Saba mentioned above. Over all though great job!
ReplyDeleteHi Ally,
ReplyDeleteI am from the Indian Epics class and thought I’d drop by to read some stories. I love humor in any story so I knew I had to read yours. I have to say, you did an amazing job of turning a Nigerian tale into a more modern story. I love listening to the radio in the morning and they do discuss bad dates or first dates so you chose the perfect style of storytelling that the readers could relate to! As I was reading the beginning, I had high hopes for the couple, who had maybe had a misunderstanding and could figure it out over the radio. How wrong I was! You did a great job of incorporating the main points of the story through the couples’ dialogue over the phone. No wonder she didn’t call him back!! Who would have? After reading your author’s note, I am really in awe of how great you told of an old tale and added a modern twist! Great job!
Hey Allyson! Wow! This story is awesome! When I saw the blurb in your portfolio guide that described a humorous story, I immediately clicked on this one and had to read it! First of all, great job with the format of the story! I love that you told your story in the form of a radio show, so creative! And this radio show actually exists in real life! It is funny because I’ve heard similar read shows in real life that do funny things such as “second date” or “mad minute” and I think it is hilarious an definitely passes time in the car when driving or sitting in morning traffic. If I was listening to this station and Skull called it and the hosts called Afiong, I would be probably dying laughing in my car! You did such an excellent job retelling the Nigerian tale and I absolutely loved how creative you were!
ReplyDeleteHello Allyson. Good job picking a unique story to focus on for your portfolio. Writing this fantasy narrative within the confines of a blind first date combines elements of fantasy and comedy in a very entertaining manner. You mentioned that this is a Nigerian story, correct? I think that that is very interesting since the idea of a mystical head existing in the spirit might relate greatly to the use of preserved human heads in some voodoo households throughout Western Africa. Have you studied a lot of Western African folklore and spirituality or is this story one of your first experiences writing such stories?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think that I have listened to that radio show before but I'm not sure that I would have come to the conclusion that I should combine the two for this story. Have you used this technique of combining modern entertainment with your myths and folklore stories in the past?