Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Growth Mindset: Make Own Meme

Made with Cheezeburger Picture from personal collection

I love that I now know how to create memes. So today I created one with Growth Mindset in mind.
This is a picture of my dog Axle as a puppy. His feet were green from running around in the freshly mowed grass. Which is currently nonexistent considering he ran the backyard into just a dirt pile. This is also my all time favorite saying "Follow your bliss".With the look of freedom and happiness in Axle's eye and this saying about following your passion. I think this meme encourages you to do what makes you happy and happiness is full of possibilities.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ohhhhh, the green paws! This is totally adorable, Ally! One of my cats doesn't get green paws but he comes in completely covered with dirt (he's normally black and white...) because he'll get all excited and just roll in the dirt patch in our backyard in the sun thinking whatever thoughts cats think when they worship the sun. I'm glad you had fun with cheezburger. I think meme makers are so cool: if you can find an image and if you have words to share, you don't really need to have any other special technical skills to turn it into something fun and memorable to share! Thanks for all your posts from yesterday; it was fun to see them in the blog stream this morning. :-)
