Sunday, January 24, 2016

Learning Challenges

The topics that are of most interest to me is happiness and time. Time is important to me because I know that time can be limited and you never know when it will be up. It is important to use your time wisely not just in school to turn assignments in on time but just to to what you love and make sure people know you love them. Happiness is also important to me because I worry sometimes about whether or not I am taking advantage of creating my own happiness. I do not want to be on my death bed regretting things I did not do and all the joy and fun I may have missed because I did not take advantage of my own happiness. I strive everyday to remember how precious time, happiness and love is and how not to waste any of it.
Happiness Meme found on Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. I think happiness is the key of the life and the most important piece in our life also. I totally agree with your view and image. Happiness is not from anywhere but from yourself. I agree you can be happy if you want to. Life can give you hard times but I totally agree with that happiness is coming from inside not outside.
