Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Week Five Reading Diary cont: Voyages of Sindbad

Fifth Voyage: He built his own ship that ended up being destroyed by Rocs who dropped boulders on it. He swam ashore and was made captive by a crazy old man. He escaped by getting him drunk and running away eventually finding his way back with riches.
Sixth Voyage: He set off again getting caught in a current that crashed the ship into a mountain. To escape the deserted area he rode a raft down a stream that went underground when he emerged he was taken care of and helped home.
Seventh Voyage: He did not want to leave since all of his troubles at sea but his king wants him to run an errand and he couldn't say no. The voyage there went smoothly but on the way back he was kidnapped by pirates and sold in the slave trade. He worked as a slave killing elephants for months until he found their burial ground and made his owner very rich. He was then granted freedom to return home.

The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).
I just love elephant images

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