First Story
-The earth was made by a beetle pulling soil to the water's surface
-The mountains were from a bird flying too close to the surface when the soil had not hardened yet
-They started rotating the sun east to west to dry out the land
-At first woman multiplied weekly until the population got large then woman could only multiply yearly
The First Fire
-The spider successfully retrieved the fire with a bowl of web
-The Raven is black because the fire charred his winds
-Owls eyes are red from the smoke
-Snakes slither side to side from dodging the burning ashes
The Journey to the sunrise
-A group of men wanted to see where the sun stayed at night
-They met many tribes along the way and at one point met one who buried the spouse alive when the other passed
-I thought that was odd because I read that same custom in another story- I think it was the one where the man went on seven crazy voyages
-The found his home but one was crushed when they tried to enter so the rest returned home
Origin of the Pleiades and the Pine
-A group of boys were too busy playing instead of working so the mother decided to punish them
-The boys rebelled and danced and prayed to the gods
-They were carried up to the stars but one boy was pulled back and fell into the earth and became a pine tree
The Moon and The Thunder
-The moon was courting the sun but the sun did not know who he was because she only saw him at night. So one night she put ashes on his face so at daybreak she would know. That is why the moon has dark spots. The moon was embarrassed so now he stays as far away as possible
-The moon is a ball that was thrown during a game illegally and is there to remind players not to cheat. games can only be played on a full moon
-Whenever an eclipse happens it is a frog trying to swallow the moon or sun so they shoot guns at it to scare it away
-The main thunders in the sky are helpful but there are other thunders around earth that cause mischief. If you point at a rainbow your finger swells
The Deluge
-This story was strange, it didnt really have an ending
-It reminded me of Noahs Ark he built a raft for the flood but he only saved his family and when the water went down everywhere he went ghosts were dancing
Tobacco and Strawberries
-their one tobacco plant was stolen and without it this old woman was dying
-every animal tried to retrieve it but the thief killed them as soon as he saw them
-finally the hummingbird tried and was so swift and small he could not be caught and killed
-he saved the people by returning the tobacco plant
-a husband and wife were fighting and she ran off, he tried to chase her but couldnt catch up
-so a god put fruits in her path to try and get her to stop but she paid no attention until he made a new fruit the strawberry which got her to stop
-they got back together
Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting
-A sly rabbit tries to do all these tricks to impress people, one day he tries to catch a duck who ends up flying off with him
-He falls into a tree and is stuck until some kids cut him out and he scurries away
Rabbit steals Otters Coat
-The rabbit tricked the otter into taking off his coat and wearing it himself for a compitition
-when he got to the competition he was recognized as the rabbit and his tail was pulled off
Why the Possums Tail is Bare
-The rabbit is a trickster again
-Out of jealousy the rabbit convinced the cricket to brush the possoms tail but really cut all the hair off without him knowing.
How the Terrapin Beat the Rabbit
-He hid out his identical friends at each ridge and he hid at the finish line and when the rabbit got close and wore out he crossed the finish line winning the race
Flint Visited Rabit
-Flint was evil and everyone wanted him dead
-Trickster Rabbit thought he could do it so he befriends flint and invites him to dinner
-After dinner Flint falls asleep and Rabbit shatters him with a mallet which is why we find flint everywhere
Deer and Rabbit
-the deer and the rabbit were racing to see who would get the antlers
-the rabbit cheated and cut a neat path so the deer would have to run through thick brush
-since he cheated the deer automatically got the antlers
-the rabbit was jealous so he tricked the deer into thinking he needed sharper teeth
-the deer foolishly let him sharpen his teeth but he really just cut them down to the gum so now deer can only eat soft things
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A Cute Deer |
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